Raw Honest Truth

The last few days have been all a buzz in “busyness” and excitement over 4H projects and some of the girls getting ready to leave with Dad on a trip to California to visit family.

The truth is I, unfortunately, have been busy with fear.

I hate living there. But I have to be honest.

Debbie Synder, the author of “Keto Kid”, once asked Dr. Freeman the question, “How long will it take before I don’t worry any more?” His answer, “When you are 76.”

I’m sure it will be 106 for me.

Autumn has had ear pain for several weeks, and all my usual remedies that typically work, didn’t fix it.  So this past Monday found us in the doctor’s office.

“I am pretty sure I see some pus behind the ear drum,” says he.  And then comes the RX for an antibiotic.

In my mind I am thinking, “If she wasn’t getting on a plane in 3 days, I would just try to ride this out.  But she is getting on a plane, and she could be in excruciating pain if that infection continues. What is worse, the treatment or the pain.”

For some of you reading this, you won’t understand  what is the big deal about putting your kid on antibiotic. I am not against antibiotics.  I am grateful they exist.

The issue is living life after seizures and being worried that something will set them off again.

With all the research about the microbiome and gut health affecting brain health…as a past seizure mom…it makes you worried.  In addition to that, the flight times are a bit crazy and will yield very little sleep.  And of course with all the family gatherings there will be lots of activity and lots of great food – all kinds of great wonderful favorites and treats to eat while laughing and hanging out with her cousins.  But she will need self-control…that antibiotic will be messing with her gut… and if she’s eating the wrong food… and perhaps not getting enough sleep…. could be a recipe for disaster…and on… and on… and on.

I wanted her to be able to go and just enjoy the trip. She hasn’t been out to see family for almost 6 years.

I didn’t want her to be worried about anything.

But she knows mom is worried.

This is not the way I wanted it to be.

“Wanting things your way — can destroy any way at all.”*

And so I wait. I just have to wait.  I have to wait for 10 days until they are all back home. With me. (Of course then they will be safe, right?!)

“Waiting can feel like an insane asylum of its own.”

Yes, I am living there today. I want the answer now! “Is she going to be ok?!”

“He who is hurried by worry, delays the comfort of God.

I am literally exhausted today by worry…Why can’t I just rest in that comfort?

“We can simply want our situation solved — when God simply wants to be our answer. And the best situation — is always what makes God your best hope.”

For those of you who pray, I would covet those prayers for peace and protection right now. I am not afraid to ask.

One thing I know for sure, I know her dad will keep her close and take the greatest care of her.  

He is an amazing man.


Perfect love casts out fear. (1 John 4:18)

I will press on. 🙂

Keto Joy!

* All quotes come from today’s  Ann Voscamp

Pass It On!

Well, the 4-H Summer 2015 Judging was yesterday and here are some of the results:

Grand Champion for Autumn’s Keto Joy display board and brochure!  

2015 Grand Champion

The judge told her several times that she really needed to enter her project into any and all science fairs that she could. We will look into that. This award really goes to everyone who has ever helped anyone with this diet. I can’t imagine this day even being possible without that help. This is where we once were:


Champion for Consumer Clothing

Champion for Fashion Review for her division, Reserve Champion overall; Sister, Promise, received Reserved Champion for her division.

Champion for Sewing:

None of this would have been possible without our beautiful sewing helper over the years, the amazing, Leah!

 Promise, took Grand Champion for her Cake:

Promise really owes her success to the help of big sister, Rebekah. Rebekah missed judging this year as she went out to help out her big brother, and sister-in-law, with child care for Max and several of their foster children. She has been busy building forts, playing games, doing art projects and cooking in the kitchen with them! (I can only show 1/2 the picture due to privacy laws). 


 Kristen, took Grand Champion for all Needlework!

Kristen’s cards are Brazilian embroidered with beading. Brazilian embroidery is a rarity today and we were so blessed by some wonderful ladies from the embroidery guild that put on FREE classes at our local library in the summer.  The girls started the classes several years ago and Kristen really progressed with the help of this dear, sweet 80 + -year-old member, Betty.  The girls and I had presented a picture frame and poem to her last year to thank her for all her help!


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The blessing of investment.  Oh, how we have been SO blessed by SO many who have been willing to invest their time, talent and resources to help us…

I hope we can pass it on!

Keto Joy!


Creating Awareness: It’s Hard, but…..

It’s not TOO Hard! 🙂

That is the message Autumn is proclaiming about the Ketogenic Diet, for one of her 4-H projects this year.

In an effort to create awareness of using the Ketogenic diet as a treatment option for seizures, Autumn has created a brochure that she can hand out to people at our local county fair.  She has also distributed the brochures to local doctors in our area to help inform them on this treatment option.



Once the fair is over, we will be moving on to our next project of organizing our website with a few updates.   One being a “Read Me First” page to let people know what to expect the first few weeks of the diet. We have found that most people who contact us have the same initial struggles and it would be helpful for them to have a quick “HELP!” reference page.  Secondly, we need to put the recipes in an easier-to -find format.  We want to do whatever we can to help people know that although the diet may be hard….it is not TOO hard!  Because life without seizures is certainly a lot easier that life with them!

Keto Joy!