Zip it up!

Upon digging through one of our freezers the other day, I noticed we had lots of frozen strawberries.  It was actually warm outside on that day – well, above 40 – so I felt like drinking something icy. I guess after you have had ice outside for 6 months, you miss it! 😉   So, I took a couple handfuls of those frozen vine-ripened berries from last summer and threw them in a blender with a little lemon juice, a bit of water and a few drops of liquid stevia  – yum!  


Of course, then everyone else wanted some. 🙂 


Autumn then pulled out some of our Zipzicles packages and said, “Hey mom, may I make a batch of that strawberry stuff for some zipzicles?”

And so we did:



In one batch, we added some yogurt  for a little extra protein 🙂


This is not so much a keto-treat as it is a great low-carb alternative to the store-bought  frozen pops. However, when Autumn was on the diet, she would make frozen Zipzicles using water and a few drops of flavored stevia – she loved them!  You can purchase liquid stevia drops in LOTS of different flavors:


They were a great treat she could enjoy while everyone else might be having traditional “Mr. Freeze/Ice Pops.”  Even now, being off her diet, she still loves to make them in the summer!


Another Milestone – Chocolate Covered!

Although Autumn is still on the ketogenic diet, tonight (well actually, last night because I am writing this after midnight 😉 ) was the first meal in over 2 years that Autumn ate the same thing for dinner that we did – no weighing – no measuring.

I should have taken a picture before we ate – I thought for sure we would have leftovers, but it was too good for that.

Here is a picture from the recipe I used:

2e3ead83a621fd5ca925c7f4bbd8c051 Shortly after we were done eating,  I took her blood ketone level:


Down to 1.4…and so far, no seizures. See ketone post here.

  Tonight, I purposely made a low carb dinner that I felt would be in her ratio range (with cream cheese, cheese, bacon, cauliflower and chicken!) because I really wanted to see if we could do it – without a seizure.  

And, yes we could.

 Wow, I still can’t get over how all this works.  Will this really work…will it keep working?  

Yes, to be honest,  I am still nervously….optimistic.

Then  for dessert, we turned a few of these…


  Into these:  


 Chocolate Dipped Strawberries!  

They are so easy to make.  Click here for the recipe for “Skinny Chocolate” – It is basically a 1:.5 ratio of coconut oil, to cocoa and ground “powdered” truvia. Remember that if you are looking for a higher fat ratio -use the Ghirardelli.  We think it tastes better as well. I always mix in a little dark chocolate for a deeper flavor, but that is optional.


 It only takes a couple of minutes to mix up the ingredients, and then dip in the strawberries. NOTE: The best way to dip – actually the only way to we dip – is to make sure the berries have been in the refrigerator for at least 1/2 an hour or so, so that they are COLD.  When they are cold and you dip them, the chocolate hardens right away. It is best to use a smaller container so that it is very full of the chocolate when you dip. Also, stir your mixture in between dipping.



 You can also add “toppings” if you would like such as shredded coconut or nuts. Just make sure you do it RIGHT after you dip in the chocolate so the toppings “stick” before the chocolate gets hard:


Even if you are on a higher ratio – just cut the strawberries up in smaller pieces and dip – one strawberry can yield lots of bites!


Although Autumn enjoyed her allotted amount…I must say it was pretty easy for her mom to eat about a  1/2 dozen… 😉


 Chocolate Covered

Keto Joy!

Strawberry Fields…(feels like)….forever!

If you don’t see many blog posts lately, it is because we’ve been a little bit busy with this….

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IMG_0635 10440874_573312166123020_7587112411017502757_n We have about 20,000 plants in the ground and are continuing on….hopefully they will be producing ….forever!

 So we will be able to offer people “Real Live Food, For Real Life Living!”

Forti Berry Acres


The Power of Food- Keto Joy!